Open your eyes and allow yourself to see THE beauty within and around you.
Faith Dore
(fis Founder)
Faith, A lady passionate about LOVE, community and God’s grace wants to share it with the whole world.
Faith grew up in London, England UK and graduated from the University of Westminster with her Bachelors Honors Degree in Media Studies: Television Pathway, not missing out her recent qualification accomplishment in Child Care and Young person’s workforce too. She currently works in a Primary (Elementary) School in London and aspires to become a great Author by taking one step and book at a time.
Being determined to spread the word of hope and encouragement to all, Faith upholds a ministry called Finally, I See: which expresses the need to embrace and sustain positive change everywhere you go. This enables her to use her motivational skills by holding sessions every month to help build individuals confidence and awareness by providing a listening ear to all that attend as well as helping individuals to find their voice, try their best to navigate their lives in the best healthy balanced way as possible by using as much research as possible with the Christian Faith as her foundation.
It is through her hard-working, organized attitude and nurturing, caring, a kind-hearted spirit that she strives to be the best version of herself to all. Including learning how to love herself as well as others.
Faith’s first real encounter of LOVE has been through her deep found relationship with God. She would not like to call herself nor claim the title of being ‘religious’, however, her expression of love and gratitude to God are through serving her community, spreading love and kindness all around, reading her Bible, seeking Gods face in prayer, worshipping God and learning so much regarding her Christian faith, her personal walk with Christ, life and much more through church, family and friends.
Being raised as a Christian, the youngest of four siblings, both parents served in Church as Pastors and ministers which did not give her the special DNA that converted her to be a ‘Christian’. However, what it did do was give her the benefit of knowledge of the faith and a glimpse of what that journey or pathway could look like.
Finding her own way to the Christian faith through the Alpha course at HTB (Holy Trinity Brompton), and sound teaching from HTB, The ARC and TG Ministries church, Faith would gladly say, ‘God LOVES me and He ultimately LOVES You too.
There becomes so much more to this lady than meets the eyes, it is demonstrated through her writing, bubbly but calm personality and so much more.
Faith’s Vision: To see both women & men empowered, confident & willing to NOT give up. But most of all to know the LOVE of Christ.
(fis volunteer PHOTOGRAPHER)
Amie has been one of our loyal guests to our BFM sessions and event at the time and now uses her photography talents to bless our events where she can.
She has studied Christian Theology and is currently trying to pursue her journey as a Chaplin.
With such a humble and willing spirit we are glad Amie volunteers with us.